Texas Canyon......
Left Tucson today. Weep, weep….. Of course, getting out of the driveway was the real accomplishment, but once we started down the highway, we were thinking about all the wonderful sights we would see along the way. And while we’
ve made this cross country journey more times than I can count, we are always in awe of one spectacular place about 90 minutes east of Tucson known as Texas Canyon. Although it is still in Arizona, you feel like you are in Texas on a movie set where cowboys could come over that hill any minute.
Cisco Kid country for sure.

Not bad for moving 75 miles per hour....
The Continental Divide of the Americas, also called the Great Divide, separates the watersheds of the Pacific Ocean from those of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. It runs from the Seward Peninsula in Alaska, through western Canada along the crest of the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. The Continental Divide moves along the crest of the Rocky
Mts., which separates westward-flowing streams from eastward-flowing waters. In other word, this is where the rivers either run west of the Rocky Mts or run east of the Rocky Mts. How cool is this......

And tonight, we're in
Las Cruces, New Mexico, where the roadrunner is the State bird, the Yucca plant is the State flower, and they boast about having 350 days of
sunshine. Oh, and the Tourism Bureau says it's rated as the best place to retire. I tend to dispute that!