Wednesday, December 22, 2010

At the Gelateria......."Frost" at the Casa Adobe Plaza

What's your gelato flavor?
You have about 50 choices here.

Translated from Italian, gelato (jeh-lot-o) literally means frozen. Although gelato is a frozen dessert, the word does not begin to describe its immense flavor and texture. And while gelato is often compared to ice cream because it is a frozen, creamy product, there are actually many healthier differences. Unlike American ice cream, which contains 10-20% butterfat, gelato contains only 3-8% butterfat, making the calorie count so much less. They say the you can have 5 of these for every 1 ice cream, so while Bunny, John and Ada banked their calorie savings for future indulgences by having only one scoop, Donald went for the guilt free double scoop.......


TerriD said...

Oh my goodness do they have Bacio Gelato??? You can not believe how much I love it. Okay this will sum it up..... Bacio Gelato comes right AFTER your heart shaped waffles!

Ada May & Donald Roberts @ Amelia Payson House B&B said...

Not sure of the term "Bacio", but it's great stuff just the same....