Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year
Hugs all around! Howdy from Tucson!
Ada & Donald's B&B and travels elsewhere......... Thanks for checking out our blog. We hope to have a little fun and keep you up to date on the B&B happenings in Salem and the Western front when we are 2800 miles away in Tucson, Arizona. Check back often. Ada has found a new way to keep the conversation going even after the breakfast guests have escaped the dining room table.
Translated from Italian, gelato (jeh-lot-o) literally means frozen. Although gelato is a frozen dessert, the word does not begin to describe its immense flavor and texture. And while gelato is often compared to ice cream because it is a frozen, creamy product, there are actually many healthier differences. Unlike American ice cream, which contains 10-20% butterfat, gelato contains only 3-8% butterfat, making the calorie count so much less. They say the you can have 5 of these for every 1 ice cream, so while Bunny, John and Ada banked their calorie savings for future indulgences by having only one scoop, Donald went for the guilt free double scoop.......